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الطب العام

General medicine

الطب العام

يقدم قسم الطب العام في مجمع الدكتور فتحي عمارة الطبي خدمات علاج الأمراض الحادة والمزمنة.

يتعامل أطباؤنا مع العديد من الحالات الشائعة في مجال الطب الباطني مثل داء السكري، وارتفاع مستوى الدهون في الدم، وارتفاع ضغط الدم، وأمراض الجهاز الهضمي.

يعمل أطباؤنا على مساعدة المرضى في فهم الخطوات اللازمة لتحسين صحتهم من خلال الوقاية من الأمراض وتعزيز الصحة العامة.


General Medicine Dubai

General Practitioner Dubai

Family Medicine Dubai

Best General Doctor in Dubai

Top General Medicine Clinics Dubai

Primary Care Physician Mirdif

General Health Checkup Dubai

Mirdif Medical Clinic

Dubai Family Doctor

Health Consultations Mirdif

Dubai General Medicine Services

General Medical Center Mirdif

Experienced GP Dubai

Affordable General Medicine Dubai

Dubai Medical Specialist Clinics

Mirdif Health Services

General Medicine Healthcare Dubai

Top Family Physicians Dubai

Best GP Clinics Mirdif

General Health Doctor Dubai


Dr Fathi Emara

65 سنة من الخبرة

د. فتحي عبد الغني عمارة

طبيب عام

Dr Mohammed Gouda

20 سنة من الخبرة

د.محمد جودة

طبيب عام

Dr Essam Ali Hassan

22 سنة من الخبرة

د. عصام علي حسن

طبيب عام

General Medicine Dubai

General Practitioner Dubai

Family Medicine Dubai

Best General Doctor in Dubai

Top General Medicine Clinics Dubai

Primary Care Physician Mirdif

General Health Checkup Dubai

Mirdif Medical Clinic

Dubai Family Doctor

Health Consultations Mirdif

Dubai General Medicine Services

General Medical Center Mirdif

Experienced GP Dubai

Affordable General Medicine Dubai

Dubai Medical Specialist Clinics

Mirdif Health Services

General Medicine Healthcare Dubai

Top Family Physicians Dubai

Best GP Clinics Mirdif

General Health Doctor Dubai

  • What are the risk & complication of circumcision treatments ?
    Complications are rare with our experienced specialists
  • When can i do Circumcision?
    It is advised to do the circumcision procedure as early as possible
  • Is Circumcision procedure is painful?
    Our procedure is mostly painless with our local anaesthesia
  • How long does Circumcision procedure take?
    Because of our experienced surgeon it will take only few minutes.
  • Is the Circumcision procedure covered by insurance?
    We cover the majority of the insurance companies
  • هل نحتاج إلى تحديد موعد مسبق لإجراء عملية الختان؟
    نعم، يجب عليك تحديد موعد لإجراء عملية الختان.
  • Is there any instruction before Circumcision procedure?
    It is advised to avoid feeding the baby 30 minutes before the procedure.
  • Is there any precaution after Circumcision procedure?
    To avoid stroller seat belt and riding cycles for elder child
  • When he can take shower after the procedure?
    It is advised to take shower the next day of the procedure
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